aree scientifiche


CHIVA failed in the short saphenous vein territory varices and when the long saphenous vein and the insufficient perforating veins had a preoperative diameter greater than 10 and 4 mm, respectively. The procedure showed a long saphenous vein patency of 90.4% and registered a total recurrence rate of 18.7%.


CHIVA seems to be a more effective varicose vein treatment than high ligation and distal stab avulsion. It also preserves a higher rate of long saphenous veins, suitable for bypass surgery.

Comment in

Video-guided CHIVA treatment. [Dermatol Surg. 1995]

WEISS RA : Video-guided CHIVA treatment.

Dermatol Surg. 1995 Jul;21(7):626.

Comment on: When CHIVA treatment could be video guided. [Dermatol Surg. 1995

7) ZAMBONI P. et AL.: Angiovideo-assisted hemodynamic correction of varicose veins.

Int Angiol. 1995 Jun;14(2):202-8.



Evaluation of the feasibility and utility of angioscopy in the hemodynamic correction (French acronyms is CHIVA) of primary varicose veins disease.


Prospective evaluation of 25 patients, undergoing hemodynamic correction of primary varicose disease with intraoperative videoangioscopic guide. Patients have been selected according to criteria emerged from a prospective study that we had previously conducted. Follow-up lasted 1 year (range 8-18 months).


Department of Surgery, University of Ferrara, Italy. Institutional practice. One-day surgery.


Their selection has been carried out in our Vascular Laboratory. The adopted clinical criteria of selection were: Primary varicose disease of the long saphenous vein territory, no previous thrombophlebitis and/or sclerotherapy. Doppler cw and Duplex criteria followed were: competent deep venous system, long saphenous vein diameter minor than 10 mm and incompetent perforating veins diameter minor than 4 mm.


25 hemodynamic corrections according to the CHIVA method described by Franceschi. An angioscope, introduced through a distal collateral of the long saphenous vein, permitted the precise interruption of the venous-venous shunts and of the superficial venous system, just below the perforators chosen as re-entry points in the deep venous system.


Clinical: varices and symptomatology reduction. Duplex and Doppler cw: detection of the superficial blood flow re-entry, in the deep venous system, through the perforators and identification of recurrences or new refluxes. Pre and postoperative Ambulatory Venous Pressure and Refilling Time have also been measured.

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